Monday, July 18, 2011

100 Fildana - 58

Bohemian Rhapsody*
i'm just a poor boy nobody loves me


  1. I saw this differently; a mother holding a baby and in back of her, a small child.

  2. I can see that very clearly now too susan! Very beautiful image. I would not have colored it blue had I seen that though, more natural, sepia color - do you agree?
    I see a very young man in 18th cent garb, a goatee and with a big hat head hung low, contemplating life.
    (I have to say that I am heavily influenced lately by my 10 year old who has just discovered Queen and we are listening to Bohemian Rhapsody 24/7. I even know all the words. This might be affecting my cup gazing a bit, lol)
